answer "What Do You Want To Print?" with "Cancel" or "Scroll Bar" or "Card"
if it is "Card" then
doMenu "Print Card"
end if
if it is "Scroll Bar" then
if hilite of button id 140 = true then
put card field id 130 into PrintThis
end if
if hilite of button id 141 = true then
put card field id 142 into PrintThis
end if
if hilite of button id 147 = true then
put card field id 148 into PrintThis
end if
visual barn door open to card
go to card "Print Card"
put PrintThis into card field id 1
if it is "Cancel" then
put "Cancel" into it
end if
end if
end continue
on note
answer "You Need to Select a Computer" with "Okay"
end note
-- part contents for card part 129
----- text -----
Using an Audio CD
-- part contents for card part 130
----- text -----
The following steps assume that the CD Remote desk accessory has already been installed on the startup disk.
1. Turn the AppleCD SC on.
2. Startup your Macintosh.
3. Put the CD in the caddy and
insert it in the AppleCD SC
just as you would a CD-
4. Choose CD Remote from the
Apple menu.
-- part contents for card part 143
----- text -----
Click the box on the left for the computer you would like information on.
-- part contents for card part 142
----- text -----
The following steps assume that the CD Remote desk accessory has already been installed on the startup disk.
To use the Apple IIGS CD Remote desk accessory program, a minimum of 512K of RAM is required. Use the Apple IIe CD Remote desk accessory program if an Apple IIe or Apple IIGS with less than 512K of RAM is being used
The Apple IIGS CD Remote program works much like a handheld CD remote controller only instead of pushing buttons to change tracks and to start and stop music, you click buttons on the screen.
1. Turn the AppleCD SC on.
2. Startup the Apple IIGS with
the disk containing the CD
Remote desk accessory.
3. Put the CD in the caddy and
insert it in the AppleCD SC
just as you would a CD-
4. Choose CD Remote from the
Apple menu.
-- part contents for card part 148
----- text -----
The following steps assume that the CD Remote desk accessory has already been installed on the startup disk.
Use the Apple IIe CD Remote desk accessory program if an Apple IIe or Apple IIGS with less than 512K of RAM is being used.
The Apple IIe CD Remote program works much like a hand held CD remote controller only instead of pushing buttons to change tracks and to start and stop music, you press keys on the keyboard.